уторак, 23. април 2013.

Nova CC krema?

  Nakon popularnih BB krema led na tržištu probija i novi CC trend. Najnovija generacija multifunkcionalnih krema dubinski neguju kožu, no ujedno imaju i sve odlike savršenog make-upa....
Kreme “color control” su poboljšana i profinjenija verzija BB krema – “blemish balm”. BB kreme su matirane i tonirane hidratantne kreme za negu kože. Neke od njih sadrže i silikone koji kožu čine glatkom...
CC kreme imaju bitno lakšu teksturu te se bolje stapaju s prirodnom bojom tena, a koža ih mnogo brže upija. Sastojci koji neguju i hrane kožu mnogo su kvalitetniji i nežniji poput ekstrakta belog i zelenog čaja i ulja makadamije te su CC kreme bogate antioksidansima.
Obnavljaju ćelije i ujednačavaju ten
Nove CC kreme zadržavaju sva dobra negujuća svojstva BB krema, no dodani su im i novi hranjivi sastojci. Ujedno regenerišu kožu te savršeno prekrivaju nedostatke i ujednačavaju ten.
Na pola puta između hidratantne kreme i pudera
Prema svojstvima BB kreme su između toniranih, hidratantnih krema i gustih tekućih pudera, a CC kreme sličnije su lakšim, toniranim primerima koji se nanose kao podloga za puder.
Pore se sužavaju, a sunce manje oštećuje ćelije
Naslednice BB krema takođe moćnije štite kožu od UVA i UVB zraka. CC formule uz to sužavaju pore i obnavljaju kožu te se savršeno stapaju s tenom.
Širi izbor nijansi od BB krema
Ženama izrazito svetlog ili tamnog tena boje BB krema ne odgovaraju. Iako ni CC kreme ne nude više nijansi, one se bolje stapaju s prirodnom bojom te jedna nijansa kreme odgovara čitavom nizu nijansi kože.

недеља, 24. фебруар 2013.

Fashion f*** ups

Too thight pants,isn't it?
Man in skinny jeans

Muffin top
Hey guys,
so today I have  serious theme to talk about. It's fashion f*** ups.
This things are everywhere..
In your school,on the stereet,even in your family.
It's kind of big problem(ok,I know that there is more problems.. like tornados,earthquakes,hunger,wars..)
But,when you see some f*** up it's not nice.
Many people are making those.Maybe I'm doing them too,but I don't see that.
So some of them are:

Leggings w/ short top:
I mean realy! It ugly and discusting to see. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOUR UNDERWEAR!What's the point of wearing that? o.O
It's okay to be in house in that,when you know that you're not going out! This is probbably happening in your school,also in mine.

Men in skinny jeans:
So,this men should let to women..
I mean realy! Skinny jeans on men!?
If you ever wore skinny jeans and  u are man,you shouldn't do  that again.

 Muffin top:Whether you’re a size 2 or 12, you can be the victim of muffin top. When your pants are too snug and your shirt is too tight, that bulge appears and it’s enough to make anyone cringe in embarrassment for you.

Super Tight Pants: 
There’s nothing wrong with form fitting garments (who doesn’t want to show their curves?) but there’s a limit. If your pants are  giving you serious camel toe, that means they’re way too tight. And it’s seriously distracting for others.
Those Fashion No No's are happening all the time,if you ever did some of this please stop. Share this and make our world beautyer.


My links:


Dress like...

Dress like...

Dress like Carly Rae Japsen